How Opportunities-Listing Matching Will Boost Your Transactions?

How Opportunities-Listing Matching Will Boost Your Transactions?

Most real estate agents follow the same patterns. They advertise in newspapers and magazines, host open houses on weekends, update Zillow, and add properties on listing sites. They lay flyers, business cards, and put a sign in front of the house. There’s nothing wrong with traditional real estate marketing but the industry is changing. In a competitive industry, you can’t do a drill the same way everybody does.

When you qualify a lead and move to the next phase of keeping them interested and making a proposal, make it count. One of the most effective real estate marketing we have today is matching listings with what the clients require. Even eBay introduced this strategy way back in 2013. Business adapting modified listings have changed the game in property purchase by basically applying precise proposals based on the client’s preference.

Apart from the lead-generating software offered in RealEstateCRM, we’d like to emphasize that homebuyers are becoming savvier in choosing a property they could relate to and integrate into their lives. We cannot simply put a listing, we need to present it with a purpose. We focus on high-quality leads who are seriously interested in purchasing a home.

The relevance of the listing you propose is greater than the number of listings they see but can’t relate with. You’d be wasting both of your time. See the potential and boost your transactions by opportunities-listings matching. We’ve designed a more targeted matching experience that your clients can appreciate. You don’t only get to meet a productive transaction but serve the client a worthy set of home listings. Match your listing based on the criteria set by your clients.

Here’s a guide on 3 basic criteria for opportunities-listings:

1. Location

Real Estate, in general, considers location as one of the most important considerations in purchasing a home. But what is it that makes the location vital in purchasing a property?

The initial criteria must be met first before you proceed with meeting the others because other conditions about the home are changeable. The value can vary, the size can be changed, and repairs are possible. However, one single element will remain once the property is bought, location. Elderly clients might prefer a neighborhood that’s peaceful, quiet, and away from the city. Young couples will opt for a property near their employment, access to city life as they strive in their careers.

The location also contributes to how a home is valued.

2. Budget Range

The next criteria focus more on the budget range that your client has set or can afford to buy. To succeed in a real estate profession, you must treat it as it is– a business. Businesses follow a certain set of principles like knowing how to follow rules, this time, the budget.

You can’t show listings in the right area but go overboard with an expensive property. It doesn’t work that way. Ask your client first on how much they are willing to spend for the property purchase before you proceed on looking for a suitable home.

3. Bedrooms

Each family, couple, client, has an idea about the details they want about their bedrooms. Most clients want at least two and the number increases depending on the children who’ll live in the house.

Some families want their kids to have separate bedrooms and others want to share. Young families want to settle for less, older couples prefer fewer bedrooms to save them from cleaning a larger area. Young families may want extra rooms to convert it into an office.


Everyone has their priority when buying a home. The purchasing process takes time and is complex that we oftentimes get off track. Our role as real estate professionals will center on satisfying our clients' needs. Our real estate marketing platform features software that enables agents to understand and prioritize which homes would work for the clients. Custom proposals will serve as an edge in closing transactions in no time. For more inquiries on how to boost your client transactions, visit

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